Explore from Anywhere with the Windows Desktop Update
With the Windows Desktop Update, you can use all your favorite methods of exploring the Web, whether you are actually surfing or just finding files or programs on your own computer. And you can easily move between working on your own computer and Web sites without having to change windows.

Click a feature to learn more about it.

Forward and Back buttons
Favorites menu
Address bar

Just like on the Web, you can just click an icon on the desktop or in a folder once to open any file or folder or start a program. To select an icon, just point to it! (To use single-click, click the Start button, point to Settings, click Folders & Icons, and then click Web style.) Click the new Forward and Back buttons on the toolbar to move easily between previously viewed Web pages, files, or folders. You can click the small down arrow next to Back and Forward to view the entire list of items instead of having to cycle back or forward to find what you are looking for. Now you can get to favorite items from My Computer, Windows Explorer, the Start menu, or even Control Panel. And, for quick viewing, you can add folders to the Favorites menu in these windows. You can connect to a Web site by typing a Web address (URL) right in My Computer, without having to open the browser.